What was it like in Triassic? 

I know most of you wants to have a clearer understanding to better visualize what was it like during this period. To help everyone I gathered some facts that might help  to understand the Triassic Period .

Plants and insects

During this period according to Bagley plants and insects did not go through any quite  evolutionary advances. The dry climate that was mostly caused by the  interior of Pangaea hindered the plants and insects to evolve extensively . It was said that gymnosperms survived in higher latitudes  and conifer forests began to recover from the great wiped out of the Permian Extinction. Although it was said that Permian period ended the life of 90% of the living species in the Earth, osses, ferns in coastal regions, scorpions, millipedes and centipedes happened to survive, as well as the newer groups of beetles. But in Triassic period a new insect appeared that we call as grasshoppers.



On land, the surviving vascular plants included the lycophytes , the dominant cycadophytes ,ginkgophyta (represented in modern times by Ginkgo biloba ), ferns , horsetails and glossopterids. The spermatophytes , or seed plants, came to dominate the terrestrial flora: in the northern hemisphere, conifers, ferns and
bennettitales flourished. Glossopteris (a seed fern) was the dominant southern hemisphere tree during the Early Triassic period.

Marine Life

 It was clearly stated that before the beginning of Triassic there was massive wiped out that occurred. The oceans had been massively depopulated by the Permian Extinction when as many as 95 percent of extant marine genera were wiped out because high carbon dioxide levels. According to Logan, fossil fish from the Triassic Period are very uniform, which indicates that few families survived the extinction. The mid- to late Triassic Period shows the first development of modern stony corals and a time of modest reef building activity in the shallower waters of the Tethys near the coasts of Pangaea.

As cited in Wikipedia, it reveals that there were many types of marine reptiles. This includes  Sauropterygia , which featured
pachypleurosaurus and nothosaurs (both common during the Middle Triassic, especially in the Tethys region), placodonts , and the first plesiosaurs. The first of the lizardlike thalattosauria ( askeptosaurs ) and the highly successful ichthyosaurs, which appeared in Early Triassic seas soon diversified, and some eventually developed to huge size during the Late Triassic. Subequatorial saurichthyids have also been described in Early Triassic strata.

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