
The fall of Triassic Period   One Earth, one continent, but a lot of things happened during this period.  There was just one landmass, then stretched from pole to pole and included a vast desert at its centre. There was no grass, but that period was magical for it witnessed a lot of things.  Dinosaurs were the greatest success story of the Triassic but another group of animals was beginning to emerge, too. However, an extinction again occurred. Geologists are still currently unraveling what caused the extinction that once again killed a large numbers of sea and land animals. Although, the effects were said to be less dramatic than the first wiped-out just before the Triassic Period opened. However, with the evolution of dinosaurs, this period successfully made a mark not only in the geologic time scale but also in Hollywood movies.  Image source:
 The Evolution of Dinosaurs  We can say that a lot happened to Earth and its life-forms during the Triassic but the most interesting event was the evolution of dinosaurs. These remarkable creatures emerged around 230 MYA and dominated the planet throughout the Mesozoic Era. The First Dinosaurs according to FOSSIL-FACTS-AND-FINDS.COM, dinosaurs  were warm-blooded. In short, the temperature of their blood was kept constant inside their body instead of changing with the outside temperature. Second, their bone structures vary. Their bone structure  was different in the hips, legs and hands. Most dinosaur species lived after the Triassic Period. They would come to dominate the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. The cold-blooded reptiles seemed to live better in the desert-like land environment than the Therapsids , or mammal-like retiles. Many different species of the cold-blooded reptiles developed during this time. Also, the first dinosaurs were evolving. The dinosau
What was it like in Triassic?  I know most of you wants to have a clearer understanding to better visualize what was it like during this period. To help everyone I gathered some facts that might help  to understand the Triassic Period . Plants and insects During this period according to Bagley plants and insects did not go through any quite  evolutionary advances. The dry climate that was mostly caused by the  interior of Pangaea hindered the plants and insects to evolve extensively . It was said that gymnosperms survived in higher latitudes  and conifer forests began to recover from the great wiped out of the Permian Extinction. Although it was said that Permian period ended the life of 90% of the living species in the Earth, osses, ferns in coastal regions, scorpions, millipedes and centipedes happened to survive, as well as the newer groups of beetles. But in Triassic period a new insect appeared that we call as grasshoppers .                        Source: clipartp
 Welcome to Triassic Period! Together let's feed your curiosity! Image source: Triassic Period , in geologic time is the first period within the Mesozoic Era . The Triassic is the first and shortest period of the Mesozoic Era. Both the start and end of the period are marked by major extinction events. It began 251 million years ago which is at the end of the Permian Period , and ended 199 million years ago, that was followed by the Jurassic Period . The Triassic Period was labeled as the  beginning of major changes. According to Logan (n.d.) it took place throughout the Mesozoic Era, specifically in the distribution of continents, the evolution of life, and the geographic division of living things. At the beginning of the Triassic, most of the major landmasses were concentrated in the giant C-shaped supercontinent known as Panga
Once Upon A Time...                 Image Source: Shutterstock           A creature with  sharp fangs,  piercing eyes, hands as big as trees, legs as thick as tree trunks, and a roar as frightening as a thunder  existed in the past. And in the present  we call it as dinosaur. But what if dinosaurs still exist, do you think you can survive?         Try to imagine what it feels like living in a world full of dinosaurs.  Imagine yourself walking around a park and seeing a creature six stories high while proudly showing its sharp fangs then suddenly it looked at you hungrily .        Was there even a time that you got hooked watching Jurassic Park that made you wish to go back where dinosaurs  still exist?       Unfortunately, it will only remain as a dream cause  they've already extincted long before you were born. Dinosaurs first appeared during the Triassic period  or also known as the first period of the Mesozoic Era which was between 251 to 199 million years ago